mobile number是什麽意思 - 英語翻譯 mobile number的中文意思:手機號碼…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋mobile number的中文翻譯,mobile number的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
mobile number portability是什麽意思 - 查查綫上翻譯 mobile number portability的中文意思:手機保號體系…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋mobile number portability的中文翻譯,mobile number portability的發音, ...
mobile allocation channel number是什麽意思 - 收藏本站 mobile allocation channel number的中文意思:移動分配信道號…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋mobile allocation channel number的中文翻譯,mobile ...
mobile station roaming number是什麽意思 - 查查綫上翻譯 mobile station roaming number的中文意思:移動臺漫游號碼…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋mobile station roaming number的中文翻譯,mobile station roaming ...
national mobile number是什麽意思 - 英語翻譯 national mobile number的中文意思:國內移動號碼…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋national mobile number的中文翻譯,national mobile number的發音,音標, ...
mobile number是什么意思 - 查查在线词典 mobile number的中文意思:手机号码…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释mobile number的中文翻译,mobile number的发音,音标,用法和例句等。
mobile number是什么意思_mobile number的翻译_ ... - 爱词霸 You think I couldn't find you as you changed your mobile number. 换了手机号就以为我找不到你了? 来自电影对白. 2. A Do you have a contact number? What's ...
Mobile Number是什么意思_Mobile Number的翻译_ ... - 爱词霸 You think I couldn't find you as you changed your mobile number. 换了手机号就以为我找不到你了? 来自电影对白. 2. A Do you have a contact number? What's ...
Definition of “mobile number” | Collins English Dictionary Definition of “mobile number” | The official Collins English Dictionary online. Comprehensive and authoritative, rely on Collins for up-to-date English with insights ...
What is phone number? definition and meaning Definition of phone number: String of specific numbers that a telephone or cell phone user can dial to reach another telephone or mobile phone. In the US, a ...